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What we should eat to loose fat

 Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...

GOLDEN TEMPLE :Padmanabhaswamy temple Mysterious temple

Padmanabhaswamy temple 

 Welcome friends ,Today we are looking at Padmanabhaswamy temple golden temple and mysterious vault b temple.
Thiruvananthapuram City

 Sree Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram City, the capital City of Kerala State in India is an old temple is an old temple This temple is one of the most important Vaishnava temples (Lord Vishnu Temples) Temples where the main deity is lord Vishnu or (his incarnations) or (his different forms) in India Among the Vaishnava temples 108 temples known as 108 Divya Desams (sthalams - holiest abodes)   are most sacred. Sree Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple is one of the 108.   Even though the temple has references in epics and puranas,the original date of construction of the temple is believed to be in first day of Kali Yuga about 5000 years back. The determination of when and why by whom the original idol of Sree Padmanabha was constructed is still unknown No reliable historical documents or other sources are available on this topic.   In the Sree Kovil of this temple the lord Vishnu is in Ananthasayanam   (Anantha = unending - without end; Sayanam (lying – reclining)   posture with his head pointing towards south, facing east He is not reclining, lying or sleeping but is in deep trance (yoga nidra – deep meditation).   It is a form of keeping the mind empty or full concentration   The Lord's right hand hangs over a Shiva Linnga(Linga=symbol,shiva linga=symbol of Lord Shiva) installed on the ground   The goddess Lakshmi (Sridevi) goddess of wealth or prosperity and Bhudevi goddess of the earth the two consorts of the lord stand by his side in attendance to serve him. From the navel of the Lord a lotus is blooming. In the lotus the god Brahman (the creator) is seated. (Deception of creation from womb) No abhishekam (washing) is done to this murthi(idol) Abhishekam is performed to another murthi(idol) meant for the purpose   This arrangement is to prevent damage to the original idol of Salagramams and kadu sarkara yogam (a mixture of raw jaggery and herbs). These are done to protect the murthi(idol) from breaking and not superstition   The deity is worshiped with flowers. These worshiped flowers are removed using the feathers of peacocks again to prevent damage to the idol.   Ornaments and valuables reportedly worth a whopping Rs one lakh crore have already been recovered from the secret cellars of the temple. Now the big questions is, who should control all this wealth   Such assets are typically meant to be used by administrators to operate temples and provide services to the poor,   but they have often become the subject of heated disputes and controversies.   Kerala Government officials say that the state would not seek control of the temple or its treasure,   A step that some activists have recommended. "The treasure is donated to the temple from disciples and believers; it's the property of the temple," an eyewitness said. "It has nothing to do with the state."   The valuables are believed to have been accumulated in the temple over several thousands of years, having been donated to the Deity, and subsequently stored in the Temple, by various Dynasties, such as the Cheras, the Pandyas, the Travancore Royal Family, the Kolathiris, the Pallavas, the Cholas and many other Kings in the recorded history of both South India and beyond,and from the rulers and traders of Mesopotamia, Jerusalem, Greece, Rome, and later from the various colonial powers from Europe, and other countries.     It is believed to have been deposited at the temple by the royal family of the princely state of Travancore, which acceded to India when the country became independent in 1947   Some of the vaults under the temple have not been opened for nearly 150 years.   Methan Mani is a clock tower which stands next to the Padmanabha Swamy Temple It is said to have been installed in the 1840s 1840s during the reign of Maharaja Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma.   You can clearly see it describes and Tipu   and two goats and the clock machine   This is also a history that the clock was installed to commemorate the successful repulsion of Invasion of Travancore by Tippu Sultan. 7. The temple is built in an intricate fusion of the indigenous Kerala style and the Dravidian style (kovil) of architecture associated with the temples located in the neighboring state of Tamil Nadu,   featuring high walls, and a 16th-century Gopuram While the Moolasthanam of the temple is the Ananthapuram Temple in Kumbala in Kasargod District, architecturally to some extent You probably heard about this temple where crocodile is a vegetarian   The equinox said to happen twice, once in spring and once in autumn The event occurs once on 20th or 21st March and 22nd or 23rd September each year and both days has equal length of the day and the night The sun goes down along the middle portion of Gopuram Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple on equinox The Temple Gopuram is so well constructed that on Equinox sun passes exactly through the middle of Gopuram passing through all the doors.   . An engineering marvel indeed !! 5 The centuries-old Sree Pasmanabhaswamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala on its way to become the richest shrine in India.   Ornaments and valuables reportedly worth a whopping Rs one lakh crore crore have already been recovered from the secret cellars of the temple. Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala, from the 16th century already got   a staggering $22 billion (Rs 100,000 crore) worth of gold, jewels and statues have been unearthed The treasure trove is believed to be the largest find of its kind in India.   It has a marvelous and fantastic architectural work on stone It is also known as Aayiramkaal Mandapam and Sapthaswara(7 voices-sa re ga ma pa..) Mandapam It is supported by 28 balustrades of pillars The pillars on the four corners can produce musical notes when tapped   The pillars are adorned with exquisitely carved figures in half and full relief   The way this mandapam is made at that time is really appreciable The time that had no electricity no petrol diesel or any modern tools gave birth to such a fine peice of art is really unbelievable. 3 The Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple has six vaults vaults named A, B, C, D, E and F     Vaults C-F haven been opened periodically, while A was opened in 2011 upon Supreme Court's orders while A was opened in 2011 upon Supreme Court's orders   According to a "The Hindu" report Vault B – the vault that is currently under discussion in the Supreme Court was also opened on that occasion but access  was blocked by a thick metal door resembling resembling that of a strong room 2 Among the six kallaras or chambers in the Temple Bharatakkon Kallara (Chamber B) is very closely associated associated with Sri Padmanabhaswamy 

 Temple Treasury
It is not a part of the Temple Treasury The holy Chamber houses a Srichakram an idol of Sri Padmanabha and many valuables meant to enhance the potency of the Principal Deity an idol of Sri Padmanabha and many valuables meant to enhance the potency of the Principal Deity   While the rest of the vaults are at least opened eight times in a year , the main vault is Vault B This chamber is being considered by the Trust members and other learned astrologers of India, as a highly mysterious, sacred and risky and dangerous to unveil it.   The chamber B is considered to be fixed to the secret chamber with the ‘naga bandham’ or ‘naga paasam’ ‘mantras’ by the then ‘sidda purashas’   in the 16th century. who lived during the reign of king marthandavarma 1 It is said that a door of such a secret vault can be opened by a highly erudite ‘sadhu’ or ‘mantrikas’ who are familiar with the knowledge of extricating ‘naga bandham’ or ‘naga pasam’ by chanting a ‘garuda mantra';   so except in this way, the door can't be opened by any means by anyone so except in this way, the door can't be opened by any means by anyone   If any human attempts are made with man-made technology to open the mysterious Chamber-B other than by chanting highly sacred and powerful ‘GARUDA MANTRAS   by a highly sacred ‘SADHUS’ or ‘MANTRIKAS’,   catastrophes are likely to occur in and around the Temple premises or through out India Once as per orders orders it was tried to open but but could not opened because the person was met with some accidents It was permanently closed later It is said that chanting the Garuda Mantra by a powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ proceeds to automatically open the door and no human effort is needed to open it in any other way .It is said that chanting the Garuda Mantra by a powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ proceeds to automatically open the door and no human effort is needed to open it in any other way It is said that chanting the Garuda Mantra by a powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ proceeds to automatically open the door and no human effort is needed to open it in any other way It is said that chanting the Garuda Mantra by a powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ proceeds to automatically open the door and no human effort is needed to open it in any other way It is said that chanting the Garuda Mantra by a powerful ‘SADHU’ or ‘YOGI’ proceeds to automatically open the door and no human effort is needed to open it in any other way   It is said that Vedic Astrologers of India tried to open the door, once but they were unable to do so It is said that If this mantra is chanted properly by some Sadhu only then will the door open   Else, mighty serpents guarding the door door will wreak havoc(nightmares) on those who try to open the door. door will wreak havoc(nightmares) on those who try to open the door.   How was the video on mysterious last door temple ? Please comment your thoughts     Share now and Subscribe and watch other videos     Share now and Subscribe and watch other videos please Like the video.   


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