Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...
Exercises to increase height after 20
How to grow height naturally. This method stretches the hard and stiff muscles in the body to promote growth. There are five positions that you're going to hold for 10 seconds each.We're going to be talking about something that matters to everyone whether you're old or young, whether you're into beauty or not into beauty and that is how to grow your height naturally. While height comes from our genetics, over 70% of our height actually comes from our everyday habits, such as what can eat and whether or not you're exercising. So today we've prepared some stretches that you can do to grow taller and to improve your posture. So make sure you stand till the end so you can grow a couple more inches. So how to grow height naturally. We prepared some tips that you can do so that you can grow your height naturally.
Exercise to increase height in 1 month
Number one, food. Everyone knows that you are what you eat. And that means the food that you intake has an effect on your body. So as you guys may or may not know but milk, nuts, anchovies, and spinach are really high in calcium, protein, and nutrients that help to grow your height naturally. But in addition to that, we're going to be sharing with you some other foods that you can eat so that you can grow just a little bit taller. Try avoiding just sticking to white rice and try to eat barley rice or brown rice. This is not only great for your overall health, but it would also help to grow a couple more inches. Tip number two. Try to avoid foods that will cause indigestion. These are foods such as salty or strongly flavored foods, cold foods, and also instant foods. All of these foods can cause an imbalance in your body and they can also have additives in it that will inhibit your height. Tip number three. Make sure you chew a lot. And when I say a lot that means at least 20 times per bite. Chewing a lot will help your body to digest better and it also help to absorb the nutrients from the food and water as well. Number two. Posture. Posture cannot only look bad, but it can also inhibit your growth. When sitting in a chair, make sure your back is straight against the chair and make sure that your back is completely straight. Why? You also want to make sure that your hips are completely towards the back of your chair as well. Especially when you're sitting at a table, you want to avoid positions where you're cupping your chin or you're leaning forward. Not only do you really need to think about your back posture at all times, But crossing your legs can actually distort the placement of your hips. I know this because I suffer from this. Don't... don't follow my lead. This can change the shape of your legs and hip placement. And that means that your body can be a little bit unbalanced. I'm really like that. Also, try to avoid sitting in one place for a long period of time. Try to make some time for you to get up and stretch or walk around. Tip number three. Sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? I know you are not, because a lot of people do not get enough sleep to stay up, you know, watching Kpop videos or watching Wishtrend videos, but the peak time that you should be sleeping is from 10:00 p.m to 2:00 a.m. That is the golden hour where your body gets to regenerate and also grow. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach as this can cause nasal congestion, chronic fatigue, and low growth. Also when sleeping try to raise your head maybe five centimeters above your pillow or your bed This will not only support your neck bones but it also help protect the spine health. The depth of our sleep affects our growth as well and the time as to which we sleep affects the production of our growth hormones. To increase your growth hormone production. It is suggested that you sleep before midnight and try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Now we're going to let you know the stretches you can do to uncover your hidden height. First, let's check the before shots to see how much height was added after these exercises.
Exercise to increase height in 1 week
This method stretches the hard and stiff muscles in the body to promote growth. There are five positions that you're going to hold for 10 seconds each now follow along. Number one, lift both hands above your head while la ying down. And stretch out the muscles around your hips. Hold for 10 seconds. Number two, while laying down stretch both hands forward and apply pressure to your back. Continue for 10 seconds. Number three, still laying down, stretch your hands above your head and spread your legs shoulder-width and lift your hips off the floor. Hold for ten seconds. Number four, lift your legs and neck while laying down. Apply pressure from your neck all the way down to your hips. Hold for ten seconds. Number five, laying facedown, stretch your arms and legs out and lift. Hold for ten seconds. Do this for one-minute as soon as you wake up and in three months you will see great results. We'll introduce some other stretches you can do to further get that extra height. Number one, tuck twists. Lay down and lift legs up slightly off the ground. Pull legs to one side and then to the other Do 15 to 20 times for three sets. Number two, cat pose. Get on all fours putting your hands and feet shoulder-width breathe in when arching your back like cat. Breathe out when you stretch out your back Do 15 to 20 times for three sets. Number three, cobra pose. Get in cat pose position but stretch your legs out. Stretch and pull your hips area and back repeatedly. Do 15 to 20 times for three sets. Number four, backstretch. Lay down and draw a knee to your chest. Tilt it slightly to your left or right. Do for 30 to 60 seconds for three sets. Pretty simple right? Well if you follow everything in this video, then you can uncover your hidden height. And aside from the exercises that we showed you make sure that you're constantly thinking about keeping your back straight and your legs straight as well.
We hope today it was really helpful.
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