Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...
Hey what's up everyone , today you're joining me here ,you know over the years I got a lot of questions about musclegroups exercises workouts so I'm going to break down ten exercises andreally highlight a particular technique how to optimize them also being trainedand really correct your form to maximize its use and purpose ten exercises let'sjump right in with exercise number one this is all about the shoulders it's adumbbell lateral raise ideal for hitting that middle deltoid you know theshoulders are comprised of three main deltoid heads and the middle one isreally targeted during the dumbbell lateral raise but the one thing that Ifound is especially for beginners and even for people a little bit moreadvanced where they tend to let their technique slip over time is they performit like this the hands come up might look like they're training theirshoulders but watch what happens when I change one particular thing now my focushere isn't on where the hand is or even the plane across my bodyit's where the elbow is so look at the moment the elbow is kind of sunken downkind of like a seagull wing which doesn't work too well for putting a loadonto that actual middle deltoid so what I want to do is rotate that elbow outkind of like a shelf so you can see the top on there is now externally rotatedand parallel to the floor and I want to keep a position fixed as I go into thatlateral raise so it's really highlight it let me do one arm with the propertechnique and I'll do my right arm I'll try and do it incorrectly so I'll do oneat a time whether you catch yourself doing this soyou see others do it pay attention to where the hand and the elbow is comparedto my left arm now let's see I mean right away I can feel my left deltoidreally targeted there you can see by correcting it what I need to do isrotate my right elbow around there for both arms are now parallel with thefloor I'm basically leading with the elbow rather than trying to raise myhand up now the other thing when it comes to shoulders is some people liketo have their hands and elbow is kind of in front of the body and open out likethis sort of hinge or have the hands at the side of the body and raise them outlook I'm not saying that one technique is necessarily better than the otherthis comes down to personal preference but bear this in mind if you perform thelateral raise with your arm fully extended without a bend in the elbowthere's a lot more stretch going through your arm complex to raise that way outso if you do prefer this method use a lighter weight or do a drop set from thebent elbow lateral raise lower to a lighter weight and then if you want tokeep the arm more straight put a lot more of that stress on that medialdeltoid without using too much weight okay so our second training tip here isrelating to the chest specifically the benchpress whetherwe're using dumbbells or a barbell one on the focus on here is again the armangle which I'll show without using any weights now the purpose of doing this isto really engage the major and minor tech to all muscle in that pressingmotion but when we start to go heavy we often get some little niggles hereand there particularly around our elbow area or that sort of hinge in theshoulder whether it's a trap nerve or just feels painfulas you press out now see if this looks familiar as we press we have our elbowspulled all the way up in line with our shoulder now if you look from a squareon position you can see my elbow is pretty muchin the same line as my shoulder therefore I'm pressing up putting a lotof stress and pressure through that shoulder unnecessarily watch whathappens when I bring my elbows in and continue to push up lot that stress isnow gone through my shoulders and I'm really engaging the pecs much more thanif I've got the arm opened out so elbows all the way out which just feels weirdnow to do so I can feel the stress through my chest I also feel it throughmy elbows and shoulders now what I want to do here is close my elbows up alittle bit more ah in fact by keeping my elbows a littlebit more closed in I feel my chest get that much more of a greater pump thanwith my elbow rotated all the way out so good this to try where they were workingwith dumbbells or a barbell typically we have that wide overhand grip on thebarbell and we keep my elbows spread but by pulling them in kind of close in thatangle between our hip and elbow as far out as it can we've got much more of apowerlifting type move than a traditional bodybuilding where we tendto have the elbows out so change the elbow angle push directly up and takesome of that stress off of the shoulder joint and the elbows you're gonna feelit much more effectively in the chest and hopefully start to less than anypain that you might have here on the elbow and shoulder here we are exercisenumber three for this one I'll be performing a barbell row now I get thatthis in itself can be a tricky exercise but it's also a great exercise for themidsection of the back the other one being of course the lat pulldown or achin up now really what I want to focus on here is the position of the elbowstypically when people perform a barbell row their back is often hunched theytend to try and lift the bar up towards their shoulders really not incorporatingor engaging their back as much as they need to so the first thing comes down topositioning if we stood upright with our shoulders back first thing we want to dois bend the knees and push our hips back so we're kind of in this half squatposition as though we're just getting up from a chair from here or without ourarms hang kind of see that the arm and the lower region of the leg the shin orwithin that same plane so this allows me to row that bar up and back down keep myarms at a right angle to the floor completely vertical allow me to reallysqueeze and emphasize my back during the motion so this is the first of ourtechniques the second one is where my elbows are soinstead of lifting that bar up towards the upper region of my chest orshoulders what I want to do is see I'm kind of putting my elbows in I'm gonnause my elbows so then drive up towards my waist so I'm not lifting that bar upI'm putting my elbows back this way sort of the same direction as my upper thighs even just me emphasizing that point anddemonstrating it I can really feel it in the lower mid section of the back I wantto show you one more time this is my arms straight what I'm focusing on hereis the rotation of my elbow so I'm putting it in like that arms outstraight rotate the elbows in and then try and pull that bar and then mimicthat same motion with the bar even without any weight just to see how thatdifference feels with the back being worked it's one of my favorite backexercises especially when we add a little rotation in here we are exercisenumber four another one for the back and the reason I'm focusing on the back somuch it's just simply there's so many muscle groups and complexes that workwithin the back so it's important that we address them because the back getsworked from so many different angles this time we're gonna do a seated rowwhich is kind of the same as doing the barbell row I'm gonna use a cable hereand the benefit here is really to get a full stretch now normally on a machinewill tend to sit there allow for the full extension of the arms and then rollback engaging the back which is a great exercise but what I want to put you hereis the tilt at the waist get a full stretch and really let the lower regionof the lat get stretched out which don't typicallyget work so if your goal is to build that V taper that's sort of V shape inthe back nice broad wide shoulders with a back tapering down to a tight waistthis exercise is really gonna help you achieve that so let me demonstrate nowin this position it's easy just to roll but I'm actually missing out quite a bigportion of this movement and that is to get that stretch here so even thoughit's two movements I'm making it into one as I lower the weight I'm flexing atthat waist bringing my whole upper body forwards really feeling that stretchwithout allowing the weights to touch which removes tension from the muscleand then as I come back into the erect seated position I start to Road that barin towards my abdomen so when you tie them both together it's a lean andstretch sit upright and roll I'm not rowing in this position and I'm notsitting all the way up and then turning it into a rope it's a smooth transitionbetween that upright when my arms are now in that full stretch parallel to thefloor and I starts with Rob so stretch sit upright and roll nice smooth andfluid oh now one more little tip here is toreally stretch out underhand grip one arm at a time with your feet touch thefloor not provide a little bit of support and just stretch so if I do thatfrom the front it's a great stretch all the way down that lap now I'll do thisafter the first couple of warm-up sets if anything just to unstick all of thosemuscle fibers really open them out make them available so that they can workduring the exercise exercise number five or rather training tip number five andonce again we're gonna stick with the back but it's the last one within thisseries look my point here is how many of you perform hyper extensions for thelower back and all I don't as often as I should and there's a great reason to itwe've focused a lot on our core our abdominal area do crunches sit-upspoodles leg raises you know we want those six-pack abs but what about theopposing muscle group the erector spinae the lower back do we focus on that quiteoften no but it's a really key core Masaru especially for postural and alongthe back and leg movements that we might performso I've got two sort of versions of a hyperextension here hyperextension andreverse and look like technique or tip here rather is I include them duringabdominals so if I'm doing crunches some oblique rotations maybe some hangingknee raises or leg lifts my fourth exercise within that circuit will be oneof these therefore I include them in a more frequent basis than just kind ofturn them in at the end of a back workout so whether you have machinessimilar to this one most gyms do in some shape or form the goal hereit's quite simply this extend get that stretch flex or contract trainingconditioning that muscle right here so whether you want your arms crossed overyour chest pop by your temple we've been holding a weight come on extend stretchnow another little tip here is to focus on your breathing I don't just mean Imean really deep from the belly that God breathing fully exhale as you exhaleyou're contracting the sort of band of muscle around that contracts thatactually helps elevate and lift your torso up it's the same thing withabdominals if you've seen my app videos I'm always exhaling koala someexcessively because that allows me to really squeeze my core muscles the sameprinciple applies to a lower back so this is why I like hyper extensions withapps because I'm already training my core so again I'll really emphasize thispoint fully excel as I do I'm naturally contracting my core muscles squeeze holdthat contraction breathe in through my nose stretch exhale and squeeze now Iget it the some gyms may not have a hyper extension machine but quite oftenthey will have a bench so we can do the reverse of that slight incline a laabdomen there and then hold on and instead of bringing our body upwe're gonna bring our legs up still works the same muscle try this holding amedicine ball or a swiss stability ball between your legs and using that notjust as weight but also to keep that inward force on your legsgreat technique there to help strengthen improve your lower back and posture andthrow it in with some apps to make sure you get it done to even three times aweek with apps but halfway through let's continue on have a look at exercises 6through to 10 moving down to our arms it's gonna focus on the biceps here thisis a great technique to really I guess develop more the inner bicep here theshort head so let me backtrack when it comes to the biceps by meaning tothere's two heads of the bicep muscle we have the long head and the short headnow the long head comes down from here hence its name long head and it's whatyou see sort of here it's the long head of the bicep the short head you can seethe split there it's this thicker sort of under portion of the bicep now it'sthis muscle that I find gives it that bulbous effect it's round kind of sizeit's mass and one way to do this quite simply is written a t25 bench now thelong it typically gets worked when the elbows are aside of the body so dumbbellcurls barbell curl any of your traditional bicep based exercise theshort head really gets targeted when our elbow comes in front of our body orsupported so preacher curl and other exercises like that and we're going tomimic that using an incline bench so I've got a dumbbell here I'm going toset the bench up to and near-vertical I want to do is restthe back of my arm a tricep flush against the pad on my wrist elbow andshoulder all in that same alignment so now I showed my left hand see that bicepthere the short head working as I open out and extend the arm and then flex andcontract it back up now I'm sure you've done a version of this exercise beforewhether on a bench or on a machine but the real technique here or the additionthe change that I want to show you is another slight rotation and it really isa slight rotation so look as I curl that weight up I'm gonna very gently rotatemy wrist outwards no more than 15 degrees if you see here it just pulls ina little bit more on that short head there so the goal here is not to go tooheavy but rather chase that burn 1215 reps add that slight rotation in at thetop and see there with that conditioning if I rotate just there it's a little onebut it's enough and when you're looking for every progression every cheat codeif you like how to progress a little things like this can really help youtake it to that next level alright exercise number six you knowwhilst we're here let's jump right into number seven which for the triceps theback of the arm and this is great to be able to pairsuperset perform one immediately followed by the other now for this onewith the tricep it works opposed to the bicep so the tricep is the opposingmuscle group to the bicep so when the bicep works by contracting like thatwe're lengthening the bicep which means as we lend from the bicep the tricep isthen being contracted so great exercise for this and another one to reallyisolate a particular head let's do this cross extension so it allows me tosupport my arm there just gently holding my free hand stretching out that tricepthere and then by holding my arm in place I can really focus on squeezingcontracting and engaging that tricep head like this of course there's somedifferent angles I can go through but I find crossbody allows me to reallyhit the main tricep head which is great for giving us that shape actuallycontributing to a large portion of the mass of the arm okay let's shoulders back a few backchest biceps triceps let's move on now have a look at the legs and the ABSexercises eight nine and ten training tip number eight after this one we'll betaking a look at the barbell squadron now the main thing about the squat isit's all about technique so let me break down two things for you typically when Isee people perform a barbell squat they just sort of Constantine their bodywhich means they saw up here they kind of end down here now you can see rightaway that that's a lot of pressure and stress on my knee certainly if I've gotsome weight over here then I tend to arch over and you sort of find yourselfdoing this if that's you or you know people who squat like that pay attentionto how we're about to correct that now we're gonna go from this to this and itall comes down to a few simple changes in the way that you kind of squat downbut first I like to think of it as the hips now instead of just going straightdown we're gonna push them back the way I think about it is imagine your courtout in the woods and you need to go number two you're gonna try and squat asfar back as you can and that's essentially the movement that you wantto mimic here so we're gonna squat in the woods like that but instead ofpunching over like this we're gonna keep on chest up on our shoulders backbecause that's where we have the bar so you can see my knees I'm no longerpushing over my toes I'm not just Constantine we might worry down I'm nowpushing my hips back flexing at the knees they're keeping my shoulder and mychest up right even to the point where I can perform itup against the pole still squat back and my knee isn't pushing against the polegive that a try if you can find a doorway or a wallstandards close to it as you can a little bit tricky here but imagine thiswere a wall and try and squat down if your knee is pushing against the walltypically it means that you're not quite there with the technique but with thisone I can go down my knee isn't pushing forwards which means all of the work isnow kept in the upper region of my leg let me give you an example our barberwait here I'll show you the incorrect way first turn slightly sideways outhere now if I'm an absolute complete beginner I've never done a squat beforeI might attempt it like this oh that feels terrible that's hard even just todo that but I see a lot of people do that now one more time we're just gonnasquash our body down oh it's a lot of stress on the knees that's my back totry and stand up note no wonder people don't like doing the squat for the firsttime now what's this hips go back knees are soft my chest is upright all of thatmovement just comes around my hips it's actually much easier to move that weightnow it's gonna breathe in contract the ABS exhale as I push back up which hit the bar back now there is asecond part to this movement that I want to bring to your attention and that iswhere my feet are as I push up I'm not simply just trying to push thatbar back up I'm imagining as though I can push through the floor so when I'min this position imagine as though I'm stood and sank I'm gonna push my feetdown into the sand that's that same motion so at the bottom my hips are backmy knees aren't protruding over my toes I'm going to drive my feet hard into thefloor as though I'm pushing the floor away from me and that's the second partof the squat of course you can change your foot position the width so I angleof the toes those are all nuances at which you can paint this movement butthe key fundamental parts of this taking the hips back keeping the knees softshoulders back and when you drive that bar up imagine as though you're pushingyour legs through the floor here we are exercise number nine for this one we'llbe taking a look at the leg press now what I want to preach your attentionhere is couple of things our foot position based on the height of theplate as well as the width and the angle now what this does is really focus onwhether the quadriceps or the hamstrings are really doing most of the work so bykeeping our feet up at the top here demonstrate all the way up here I'll lower thefootplate down keep my feet high you can see my toes are actually just off theend of the foot right here my hamstring is really getting a good workout herethey're really getting stretched and kind of pre-loaded to drive that weightback up so even on leg days where your focus might be on the back of the legthe hamstring try giving the leg press ago with a high foot position of courseyou can change the feet slightly outwards just make sure that the ball ofthe foot is still on the footplate and you're not sort of all the way up herecertainly where the foot can slip off a little bit of the toes at the top isokay but so wide and high hamstrings being worked especially keeping thatwide position and then more of a center and certainlylower down that teardrop and the quads get worked a lot now it's much steeperangle so I don't want to go as heavy or even as deep if I change my footposition around I'm really focusing on here the vastus medialis the teardropsection just above the knee so you can see how we can take one movement createmultiple sets out of it and really shift the emphasis on which muscles in the legare really being worked here now there's one other thing that I can do here rightat the end I go too much weight on my feet all the way down to the bottom I'mgonna finish off just on a seated calf press here we're working thegastrocnemius and if we actually bend the knee a bitthat's the soleus muscle so right there we're working our two major calf muscleswhich I really like to do the end of a couple of sets of legs so there you haveit hi and why hits the hamstrings mid andlow really works the top of the legs the quads at the end to our little burn setin bring the ball of the foot down to the bottom of the foot plateyou don't need to lock the knees out exactly you can keep them soft just aslong as you get enough full extension but pushing the toes as far away fromyou and then allowing the heels to go beyond that toe line red exercise regionof the legs all right we've got one more left in for that let's go take a look atabs here we are with our final training tip of the video and for this one we'regonna focus on the abdominals now this one happens to be probably my favoriteabdominal training movement and for this we're gonna do a high cable crunch whatI mean by this is we're gonna use the cable pulley to provide the leveragedistance on the crunch now when I say a crunch I'm not talking about a sit-uplike you would do on the floor really what I'm talking about is just crunchingthe abdominals down and it's pretty much just that movement I'm gonna exhale andsee I'm just kind of closing that Halfmoon that cashew shape bring on myshoulders down think of a hole you know if you'refeeling a little bit iffy in the stomach you feel like you might be sick whathappens you go quit it's that same movement you crunch over the abdominalsare contracted same kind of movement if you're laughing really hard in your youcan track the ABS it's not a big movement certainly not all the way downhere so by using the cable system I've got some weights at the end it's a nicesmooth fluid motion there I can get into this bed position my arms are fixed atthat angle so what I'm not doing is this I'm not moving my arms to pull theweight let me keep my arms fixed I'm gonna contract the ABS exhale and as Ido just crunch just that movement so breathe in lengthen the ABS exhalecontract you certainly don't need to go all the way to the floor for it to beeffective it's literally and there we have it guys 10 prettysimple but nonetheless effective training techniques to add into yourworkout and on that note I'll leave you with this we all have different bodieswe'll have different training goals needs purposes so take what you wantfrom my videos my channel other people that you follow on social media YouTubeInstagram and build up your own repertoire your own library database ifyou like of movements exercises training techniques and tips find what works bestfor you find what you enjoyed that you can actually maintain and have someconsistency with and use that as your foundation to build upon but I do askone thing from you and that is pay it forward whatever you find works for youput it back out there show the next generation the older generation theyounger generation put it out there in a way that someone else can learn from andthey sort of teach others especially the newcomers how to do things effectiverather than having them kind of grow through all the different stages and make that next step forwards ok do it.
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