Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...
Hello and welcome I am your coach and Today we're going to do a 30-minute fatburning full-body indoor walking workout it's suitable for beginners but perfectfor everybody it's fast paced but very very doable you're going to be able tokeep up and it's not big on choreography so you don't lose your place okay it's30 seconds on of fast walking and 30 seconds of fast movement and this is 30minutes of full-on exercise which is going to be great for your body to keepit in shape while you're at home particularly if you're spending timelying on the couch okay which is fine but make sure that you do a little bitof work and a little bit of exercise and a little bit of play while you're inquarantine so that you can stay sane okay you're going to love this let's getstarted start by gentle marching and deep breathing so arms above your headand down breathe in and out this is going to be so much funI know it's thirty minutes but I promise you it'll feel like fifteen I've got alittle timer down the bottom so you can track where you're up to and a thirtysecond timer to help keep you on track start fast walking now and develop yourpace you can either go at the same pace as me slower or you can jog the wholeway through if you follow the same pace as me we're going to do 3522 steps burn340 calories and you will have walked 2.8 kilometers or 1.8 miles how good isthat so many benefits for something that's a lot of fun you're about to set yourself up for areally really good day and I promise you you can't do this and feel bad at thesame time let yourself smile forget all your worries just for the mean time andhave some fun thirty seconds of walking you're herebecause you decided to be so make sure that you put in a lot of effort and geteverything you can out of this workout because your body absolutely deserves tobe treated well raise your arms above your head pointyour toe across your body and back pace yourselfyou're going to get hot and you're going to feel great so do the very best youcan take small breaks when you need them and get back in keep going start walking keep your pace up strongarms strong core strong body strong arms out front cross your handsand point your toe crossbody have you caught yourself smiling yet? I can see you!I can't really, but I am imagining you start walking dance run do whatevermakes you feel good have you set your goal to become fitter and healthierwithin the next few months I hope you have and that's why you're doing thisworkout so good on you arms high in the air and start marching keep your arms really high and pretend that you're reaching for something youthink your not doing any work but you are just keep them up highreach high hold your core in tight keep your walking strong we're burningfat we're burning calories and we're making our body strong arms out to the side and start marchingwe're going to keep our arms stationary just hold them up and keep them veryvery strong keep going you're doing great thirty seconds of walking stay strongfeel good and don't let anyone take your crown arms in the air and start taking yourMarch into a light jog you can take this at your own pace you can run it you canwalk fast or you can do what I'm doing just have fun smile and maybe dance walking moving our body feeling goodkeep going take your legs hip width apart hands toyour chest and start twisting but twist with your abs and your glutes ratherthan just throwing your body around make it purposeful and this is a really goodab workout as you're starting to walk think aboutthree good things that have happened to you today they don't have to be big atthe point is that you're noticing them and the good thing about noticing thegood is that you're not focusing on the bad take your hand out front and starttwisting have some fun with this you can do a low impact version or you can jumparound it's entirely up to you it's just fun start walking another 30 seconds we'rejust going through a changing music keep your pace you're doing such a great job take your arms out front and kick backand hit your butt go from side to side and then bring your arms in towards yourchest and back again take a drink of water if you need onenow but keep moving those legs put your arms out parallel to the floorand we're going to do kickbacks again keeping your arms in the same positionyour body is doing some really great work now so enjoy that keep the momentumgoing and don't give up thank those legs and keep going with another 30 seconds of power walking strong absstrong arms strong legs arms out to the side palms facing downstart circling and then start moving your legs to match march on the spot andcircle those arms you are doing an amazing job keep going remember those three things you justthought about that made you feel good well could you include another threethings that happen yesterday that were kind of goodthink think think take your arms out wide palms facingupwards and start circling backwards move your legs march along with it keepyour arms strong and your core held in tight thirty more seconds of indoor walkingfast and furious get that heartbeat up because we're fat burning and we'regetting strong we do this every day we do this love take your left leg and tap your heel asyou're bringing your arms up to your shoulders back and forth back and forthget into the rhythm this is fun this glorious point is halfway well donehow good do you feel we've only got half way to go and it's going to fly by sokeep going you're doing such an amazing wonderful terrific fabulous job takeyour left leg back and start moving with the beats give your poor held in tightand your back straight and you'll notice that all of the work being done is onthe leg that's not moving can you feel that right leg keep walkinglet's walk it out and then we'll continue on with the left leg take yourright leg back and go go go come on this is fun I know that you're smiling well done walk that outtap your legs and let's get ready for the next one hands on hips and left legs side backwe're doing a similar movement to the side this time but we're still workingon that right leg so keep up your energy and have fun with this walk it out keep going 30 seconds moreof this walking you've got this keep going hands on hips and let's get started withthe right leg keep your left leg strong because it's being worked right now do you feel energized keep the momentumgoing with some fast walking dance if you feel like it but just keep going right hand to left me left hand to rightknee and keep going with that this is great for coordination but take it at your own pace you might like to take a sip of waterbut keep those legs moving walk around the room if you're doing that and thencome straight back to it like a wide stance and we're going toslow box for 30 seconds now when you're boxing use your abs and your hips tomake the movements with your shoulders and we're going to do four sets ofboxing all different ways but it's all going to be working on our abs andglutes and our hips stop walking keep your heart rate upit's just 30 seconds keep going take your legs out wide again and thistime we're going to punch fast punch to the beat of the music and remember keepit in your hips and your abs that's where the magic happens when you'reboxing it's so much fun walk it out get your breath back keepgoing stay strong you're doing such an amazingjob this time we're going into a squatposition and we're going to slow box make sure you keep your knees rotatedoutwards and box with your hips and your ads think of those calories you're burningclass the 2.8 kilometres or the 1.8 miles you're walking come on keep goingyou don't want to let yourself down the last in our boxing sequence go intoa squat position rotate your knees outwards and fast punchkeep that core held in tight because this is where all the works being done thirty seconds of walking are youfeeling good are you feeling tired it's hot I know you've got a kid goingbecause you're committed to this and you're almost there kids hands on hips left arm left leg outtogether strong right leg keep the momentum you've only got five minutes togo we're slowing the pace ever so slightlybut keep the momentum keep moving keep going you're almost there hands on hips and take the right arm andthe right leg out at the same time back and forth keep it up and now is a greattime to set yourself some fitness goals look what you're doing now if you didsomething like this every day how do you think you're going to feel in a coupleof months so make it a commitment that you're going to exercise every singleday you can do it because you're amazing thirty Seconds and walking and he'sfeeling good and you're feeling accomplished well done I think you are put your hands on your hip and lift yourknee as high as you can making sure that you keep your abdominal muscles held invery tight and your back straight so focus on doing this exercise with yourab muscles rather than your legs now adding some arms and just keep going we're on the Homewood stretch keep goingdon't give up now 30 seconds more of fast walking you are a superstar keepgoing we're nearly done take your arms out parallel to theground and stop tapping those toes enjoy the feeling of just feeling good if you could do just one thing today towork on yourself what would that be think about it and maybe just do it keepwalking while you're thinking hands on your hips and start side typingand then adding your arms cross body and extend your arms and reach for the stars slow down that walking pace now we'regoing to get our heart rate back down so we can go out and have the best day evertake it slow but it's important that you don't stop all together we've got tobring ourselves back down until our breathing is back to our normal levels here's what you can tick off your listfor today you've just bought one point eight miles or two point eightkilometers you've spent three hundred and fortycalories and you've taken three thousand five hundred and twenty two steps well done.first exercise is going to be ahandstand against the wall but we're going to walk towards a wall and we'renot gonna get into a full handstand just yet the first attempt we're just gonnawalk into a pike position so maybe your hands are like a leg distance apart fromthe wall and then you lower your legs you create this L shape we're gonna holdthis for 10 seconds only open through the shoulders5 4 3 2 1 set it up get it to a squat give a little roll to the wrists so lessand to the right if that progression was too much you are going to repeat thatprogression if you feel comfortable with that position we're gonna move the handsa little closer towards the wall and we're gonna get into a handstand butdiagonal to the wall this is how it looks so you plant your hands you walk alittle bit closer this time and once you find this position you're going to bringyour feet up and find that whole body position like you're in the hand siropening up through the shoulders keeping that pelvis posteriorly tilted and yourcore engage hold for 5 4 3 2 1set it down back to squat and again little rolls again if that positionfeels too much for you you can repeat that position or go back to the previousprogression but if you're ready the next one is going to be a full handstandtowards the wall we're gonna try to put or noour chests and our toes in contact to the wall so walk it up get as close tothe wall as you possibly can from here put your head through touch with yournose your chest and your toes and if you feel comfortable you can get your chestof the wall creating that hollow body position press the wall with your feetso you're engaging your core and you are creating that hollow body position theentire time extend through the arms completely straight hold it four threetwo one and safely walk your way down whoo again little roll to your wristslet's take a little break the next one we're going to do is kicking up towardsthe wall so we're inverting the hands and this time we're going to do a leanhandstand hole and we're going to try to get our feet off the wall if thatdoesn't happen and you're not in that stage yet don't worry about it just holdthe handstand against the wall you're going to build a confidence over timeand once you do this routine maybe in like a week or two you're going to beable to start finding that balance upside down so let's get two towards thewall put your hands at about a hand distance apart not too far but not tooclose either you don't want to be a smashing your head towards the wall butyou don't want to be too far either that you create that banana Hanson so placeyour hands kick it up into your hand set find that straight line first pressthrough the arms aren't are completely straight from here bring one foot offpress with your fingers so you create the balance and you get off - whoa maywe find it here you get a couple seconds if you can you balance in your handstandif you go back to the world that's totally fine and if you fall that istotally fine we're going for a whole or maybe three to four seconds if you canhold it longer than that don't do it just because we're trying to practicewe're trying to accumulate seconds but we're not trying to exhaust ourselves asI said this is a daily handstand routine so you don't want to be cooking yourshoulders that much you actually want to use thegetting into the position so you create the neurological pathway that we need inour brain in order to be upside down let's go for the second roundplace your hands kick it up one foot off use your fingers to get off the wall tryto get the other foot maybe you stay here in that L position find thatbalance and if you feel comfortable here you bring both feet together keeppressing through the arms hold it and then come back down as I rest for thenext set we're going to be doing a little bit of stretching as you guy knowI like to a stretch as I rest instead of just walking around you want to be astretching in the middle of your sets so put one feet towards the wall and we'regonna be switching a little bit or our hips and the reason we're opening yourhips people think Hansen's is all about the shoulders which is true if you'redoing a straight handstand is all about the shoulders but our hips having openhips switch it up it's gonna help you when you're going into your handstandand you have one leg here and one leg down the more flexible you have yourhamstrings and your hips the more balanced you're going to be able tocreate because at the beginning you might not find balance on a straighthandstand you might just need to stack the legs and that's maybe the positionthat you find the balance in so let's go for the last step find your hands keepget up into your Hanson won't put off press with your fingers try to balancemaybe you get it maybe you go back to the wall you try itback again and then come down go back to the walljust stretch a little bit of the hips for the next exerciseso go ten pumps on one side and switch it up this hip opener is going to helpyou for the next exercise that we're going to do we're gonna get off the wallagain if you are not feeling comfortable with the exercises that we just didtowards a wall and you still feel scary to do it in the middle of the room youcan just repeat that for a week of - and I guarantee you that if you do thatyou're going to feel comfortable and then you're going to be able to do it inthe middle of the room so if you're feeling comfortable and you know how tofall you know how to save yourself plant your hands in the middle of the roomwithout any wall and we're going to kick up and don't try to match your feetright away we're going to create an L shape or maybe a V shape depending onwhat feels more comfortable to you and that's why we open the hips prior todoing this exercise so you can plan your hands find one leg that is going to kickup in my case is going to be my right this is going to be the one that isgoing to bring yourself up and I don't want you to think about your feet comingup I want to think about your hips stacking on top of your shoulders sobring the leg up this one is going to create the momentum and when you go upyou start your hips maybe you get on the first right and as you see I may be in abeach V shape or you can be on an L shape whichever feel more comfortablefor you and from here create that balance maybe bring both legs togetherhold for a couple seconds and set it down with controlone of the best tips that I can give you for Hansen is every time you're comingdown try not to come down super fast you want to come down as slow and ascontrast' possible so that way you're building that core strength foreventually you're going to be able to come up remember it's always easier tocome down that to come up but if you come down often enough then eventuallyyour body going to be able to get into that presslet's get for the second round place your hands maybe try the other foot ifyou are more of an intermediate if you are beginner just try one foot but ifyou already got some practice you can practice both legs so swing it up get itup get it on the first try how to point your toes your hips need to be right ontop of your shoulder to create balance from here bring both legs together withcontrol use your fingers to balance whole body keep your gaze on one pointand set it down go into a squat little roll to your wrists again guys if thisis too much if you are still having trouble to find balance keep workingtowards the wall keep working towards getting your feet of the walk but try tolearn how to fall I have plenty of videos on my channel on teaching you howto fall safely so that way you're not always relying on the wall because thewall is great to create time under tension and create that awareness whenyou're upside down but it's not going to help you for ballet but you really needto create the courage eventually to do that handstand in the middle of the roomwe're going to go for the last set so plant your hands maybe you'll get itthis time maybe you got it before maybe you get it tomorrow it doesn't reallymatter how long it takes as long as you're practicing every single dayeventually it's gonna come so kick it up maybe don't kick up too hard if you'restill fearful so play with it play with one see where your hips are pencils areall of our awareness and understanding where our body is in the space so maybeyou need a little more and then you find that balance and space from here closeit up all the handsome set it down alright so that's it for thepractice aspect of the handstand now we're gonna finish off with a coreaspect as you guys know core is super important for holding ourself upsidedown so we're gonna be doing three sets of a hollow body position when I hold itfor about 10 seconds and then 10 seconds of rest on so lay down in the ground ifyou guys saw my previous videos you already know how to do this exerciseraise your hands overhead we have this gap right here in our lumbar spinewe're going to close our gap by engaging your core and talking our tailbone underthen I'll leave your legs lift it up hold it for 10 if this is too muchalways modify the pose 5 4 3 2 and what that's a rest we're going to stretch toliberate our hamstrings so bring your legs forward engage leave your chestexhale full round to go to your back bring yourhands overhead feel the space I want you to really feel every single aspect ofyour body when you're training handstand is all about awareness it's not aboutstrength or anything else it's just about understanding where your body isin a space and working with that so from here tuck your tailbone underleave your legs leave your hands and hold for ten nine eight seven six fivefour three two one set it down again a little break in afour for your feet forward inhale if your chest exhale we're going to go for the last roundthis time we're gonna be doing it a little bit different so if you're stilla beginner just do it for 10 seconds that's it that's your workout if you'rea little bit more intermediate advanced we're gonna be holding that for 15 to 20seconds and right away we're going to go into our handstand in the middle of theroom also if you're intermediate you can do the whole and then do the handstandagainst a wall but listen to your body since you're doing this every single dayI don't want you to tire up every single time you do this routine so maybe youjust do this ending maybe like twice or three times per week and the rest youtake it easy you want to be practicing your handstandevery single day but somedays you want to be going a little bit harder thanother days so you give your body chance to adapt to a different stimulus let'sget back to your back engage everything up now from here one movement three twoone close it up and hold engage your glute engage your quads as well pointyour toes pull a little bit more five more seconds five four three two onerelax now go into your hands and either in the wall or either in the middle ofthe room go up whichever way you want to up and just hold it there just fiveseconds five four three twoone hand set it down oh so there you have it guys that's a daily handstandroutine for you guys to do if this feels way too much again you can stop at anymoment of the video maybe just do the first two exercises for like a week thenmove on to doing the next exercise or depending listen to your body andunderstand in which stage of your handstand journey you are if you'restill feeling fearful to get off the wall work a lot towards the wall and getcomfortable with it maybe close your eyes maybe feel your body when you'reupside down so you start understanding where your hips are where your hands arewhere your shoulders are moving and once you feel comfortable in that positiontowards the wall then you can move on off the wall and you can start creating balance guys Thanks.
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