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What we should eat to loose fat

 Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...

Fitness Workout. Mixed Martial Arts Workout.

 Hey, everyone. It's your personal trainer coach and today 40 Min MMA Workout Routine MMA Training Exercises UFC Workout BJJ MMA Workouts Mixed Martial Arts We're going to do an mMA workout Now even if you're not getting ready to step into the cage or step foot on the mat This is still a great total body workout. We're going to combine Shadowboxing moves with a bunch of [bodyweight] power and strength moves that are sure to get your heart rate up and get you moving I'm going to do the whole [thing] with you today and this is by no means a beginner workout really an intermediate to an advanced session today with not a lot of Modifications, just fair warning [now] I'm going to be using just a couple of light to pound dumbbells today for some extra resistance in my [shadowboxing] feel free to do so if you'd like to otherwise leave it out. No big deal the only other equipment needed for today I'm going to use [a] jump rope at the beginning just for our [warm-up], but it's not necessary so you decide So I'm gonna go ahead and grab that jump rope you can either use a jump rope or you can just do a faux jump Rope which [is] jumping in place using the little hand the same hand and wrist motions So go ahead and get started either with a faux jump rope or a real jump rope I'm going to do mine to the [side] today. Just because I'm a little tight on space Now I use a [one] [two] [three] [four] method instead of saying left straight right straight left hook right [power] punch So you'll see throughout the [shadowboxing] today that I'm going to be using that number call out method Now if you haven't done one [of] my workouts before you'll catch on quick if you want some more information I'll pop something up on the screen here for a little more in-depth Analysis, it's actually not my own system. I use up the legend bas rutten system So if you got a problem with it Take it up with him so just stand light and on the balls of the feet for this jump rope I'm actually using a weighted rope. This is a cross rope. I really like it It's a this is a half pound band on this guy. They haven't paid me to talk about them I think they got a pretty cool jump rope check [them] out Make sure to breathe and [letting] the balls of the feet let's go for [10] more seconds this little [warm-up] And we're going to jump right into some shadow box Nice loosen it up three, two [one] all right set your rope down pick up [your] dumbbells or weights even take a couple of water bottles that works too cans Whatever you got all right. Let's say get it going [throughout]. I'll let you just keep moving keep your feet Shoulder-width apart and just keep moving so even when I'm out calling out numbers. [I] want you to always be moving all right Let's go one to the left straight to right straight Let's go three left hook For right straight okay, so you got let's go one two one two three one [two] three four We'll start to ramp up as we get into it 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 [2] [1] 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 [2] 3 kick 1 2 3 opposite leg kick you get into chamber it back or spin around 1 2 3 kick Here's the Spin you decide which one is right for you 1 2 3 kick 1 2 1 [2] 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 [2] 1 [2] 1 2 3 4 switch kicks 1 2 3 4 switch kick 1 2 3 4 switch Kick 1 2 3 4 switch Kick 1 2 1 2 1 [2] 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 kick 1 2 kick Let's go 1 2 a switch Kick 1 2 switch kick 1 2 1 2 good breathe 1 2 1 2 break okay, set these down We're moving over. We're gonna do a walkout next so keeping the pace up you'll notice we're [Gonna] Go wide feet walk out as far. You can and will hook on back We're going to go back and forth between these body weight exercises And the [shadowboxing], so the shadowboxing almost becomes the break as we didn't do it here Good It's a great one for your grappling Really helps you have that strength on top good breathe work in that core Do a walkout keep those if your back tight back straight as you walk out Excellent you got it. You got to keep it moving keep it moving We're done with this we're hopping right back into that shadowboxing, so be ready to go good. You're good Let's hit it up four five four three Two one you got it up on your feet Dumbbells if you need them let's get into [it] one two one two Here we go one two [one] two one two three kick one two three kick one two one two Let's go one two front kick with the front leg one two switch front kick One two switch front kick again, let's go five times one two switch front kick push out that ball The foot one [two] front kick one two switch front kick good one more when to switch come front kick Boom good moving moving moving Defense defense hands are up hands are up defense one two one two Good one two three four one two [three] four one two one [two] one two one two one two Let's go Twenty Knees go one two three four five six Seven hey nine get them up there ten point that toe down [thirteen] [fourteen] fifteen sixteen Reach up and pull them India 19 20 hands are up one two one two [one] two three four one [two] three four switch kick one two three four switch kick One two one two [one] two one two. Let's go one two throw Hips to the ground back up one two throw hips to the ground Back up kind of like a burpee the hips to the ground once you're all Up on the balls of the feet if you want you can alternate hips once you sprawl left hit one leg out once you sprawl Right hip down [another] leg out one two three four Good one two one two Moving moving. Let's go come on one two one two one Two three four okay? Dumbbells are down if you got them moving into a lateral monkey hop so we're down reach Hop reach Ha using your arms to help pick you up off the ground and then the opposite way Hop in side to side you get the idea like a monkey this one is Awful and it works quick Good Move at your own pace. [I] want you to push yourself today Don't feel like you either got to keep up with me or be slowed [down] by me Ultimate goal is for you to be kicking my butt. I'm an old man. Let's go come out now Better be beating me. Keep it up, so I decide let's go so I decide next I come on Don't listen to those legs. They're lying dude. I got [pin] t left go go go go come on Let's go five four three Two one we're up grab those weights if you got them hands are up we're moving we're moving one two one two [one] two one two one two three four One two three four switch kick two three four switch kick one two one two Let's go one two three front kick one two three Front kick with the back leg again five times one two three front kick him back again one two three front kick again one two three Front kick one last one let's go one two three front kick back We're moving we're moving hands are up hands are up hands are up one two one two one two one two one two three four one two three four one two Nice one two three four one two Good ones who want two one two one [two]? Let's go Twenty Knees. Go one two three four five six seven eight nine Ten Eleven twelve almost there come on. Keep it moving don't stop don't stop What are you working [for] today? Focus on it three two one zero hands are up one two three? Gasps, sir let's go three hooks high low high one two Three three hooks high low high so drop down on that low high Low high again High Low [high] I'm that low you can be doing up uppercut if you want boom boom I work out here one Boom boom there we go again. Keep it going powerhouse right here Powerhouse has hit it again high low high good, okay. Set him down we have a reverse launch plus knee step back Help on knee at a 90 knee up step back boom We're going split in each side half and half so do all one side first Nice step back power that knee [ups] y'all hi. I'm getting that knee get it up there guys boom Crunching those abs working on that flexibility at the same time nice Switch it up other foot step back knee up keep balance find a focal point for your eyes It'll help keep your balance nice Come on guys. Come on pump it up while you here. Why are you here focus on that mental strength? What are your goals? Focus on them. What's your purpose? [three-two-one] nice All right, max we're moving into a [forward] monkey half so because another one We did earlier the lateral monkey house sitting down waiting your butt reach in front of you pick yourself up. Hop Hop Hop like a monkey hit it stepping back come on Let's go back is probably even harder try to keep good posture in this one. No, it's hard to do so Try to keep that head and chest up the best. You can nice whatever you do stay low to the ground [I] know your legs are gonna start to burn out, but that's okay. That's how we know it's working, right? How we know what's working? That's what's gonna Challenge us, and that's what's going to change it ultimately. [that's] [what] it's all about getting better right here guys every step every rep just getting better putting in the work so that we Can reap the benefits down the line so our families can reap the benefits down the line? It's all up [to] us right here Let's go come on. Almost [there]. I'm burning with you. I'm burning with you Let's go ten more seconds on this one nice. Keep it up. Don't stop [moving]. Don't come up five four three Two one okay. We're up grab those dumbbells Keep this pace up come on. Let's go. Let's go one two [one] [two] Nice one two one [two] one two three four one two [three] four one two Good let's go one [two] [three] uppercut one two three uppercut one two three uppercut one two three uppercut again one two three uppercut one two three Uppercut. Let's go one two three duck uppercut one two three duck uppercut again one two three duck uppercut again one two three duck Uppercut one, two three four three four one two one two Nice one two one two hot hands one two one two We're gonna go one two [three] four sprawl one two three four Sprawl [keep] it up. Just keep going until I say otherwise This is many in as you can right here Here we [are] our second third round you're getting tired, and they're going for the takedown But you're not giving it up. You're not giving it up. They can try all they want, but you're gonna stuff it Everything time why, but you help because you put in they'll work. That's why you put in the work Let's go come Keep it up. Keep it up. I can't slow down so you can't slow down [that's] how it works. Let's go five more seconds four three two one zero I'm hot feet we're moving we're moving we're moving one two one two one two three four One two one two nice one two one two One two three kick one two three kick. Let's go low kick high Kick low bring you back chamber high low kick high Kick Hello, hi again. Low kick high Kick Hello, hi, I have to excuse me starting to slip again one Hi, Last one last one Whoa, hi good one two three four hit it one two one two one two one two one two one two Good, we're setting them down Doing a moving mountain climber. [I] down on the ground All fours Mountain climber, [so] [he] legs go but we're moving and walking Slow pace keep it moving peter going fast hands are going slow Living his life and back. Come on goop it all and keep it going nice Three you guys keep moving you got it you got to keep those knees going He builds feet going don't slow down Come on. Keep it push, and push it push it push it push it Stay focus just stay right here. [you] [got] it five four three two one zero nice All right, speak up those dumbbells right in the next when we got our hands up let's go 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 duck went 2 3 4 1 2 duck 1 2 [3] 4 1 2 duck 1 3 4 1 2 duck 1 2 doc 1 2 1 [2] duck 1 2 1 2 duck 1 2 1 2 duck wait back my hips 1 2 once whoo duck one - oh Good let's go duck 1 2 duck Duck one two duck get that full squat and duck 1 2 duck duck. Why - look again duck 1 [-] duck again duck 1 - duck again duck 1 - duck nice feet are moving 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 switch Kick front Kick 1 2 3 4 switch front kick again 1 2 3 4 switch front kick again 1 2 3 4 switch front Kick 1 more 1 2 3 4 switch front kick good where do I solo hooks next get down to Iso squad? Right here. We're side to side We're gonna burn those legs out on this one if you didn't notice stay seated right here There it [is] side to side Focus on what brought you here today focus on that outcome Focus on being stronger than you were yesterday Getting better every point moving nothing can stop us nothing can stop you. Nothing can stop you come on You're gonna stop the look you're gonna stop a ball here. It is let's go 10 seconds You got it all day leaving [us] all day 3 2 1 rook 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 Legs feel so good don't they 1 2 3 kick burn so good 1 2 3 kick? Even we're tired get that kick right 1 2 3 kick nice 1 2 switch Kick 1 2 switch Kick 1 2 switch Gear Guard 2 Which nice again one two switch kick? Dumbbells are down. We're going crab-walk Getting down low on crab in a crab position fingers are back Walk Forward to the side And back if you don't have as big of a space as I do no biggie make this workout your own from beginning Dad Nice. Come on get it going get [it] going come on move it breathe and keep moving Focus on what brought you here today What are you trying to get better at? What's your grind? What's your hustle? You wake up in the morning. What's that first thing you think about when you go to bed? What's that last thing you think about the answer is nothing or my cell phone and snapchat? [are] trying to [slip] slide into the DMS then you got a problem? Focus on what motivates you focus on that goal and go out and get it get after it right here five four three Two one we're up grab those dumbbells Moving hot feet we're moving we're moving one two one two good one two three four one two one two one two three four uppercut one two three four uppercut again one two three four uppercut again one two three four Uppercut once you want to Go [twenty] knees hit it one three four five six senator 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dumbbells down Sumo deadlift jumps Peter wide toes are pointed out touch the ground and jump Whistles hips back every time sit back [weight] in your hips not on your knees Not coming forward on your toes put in your hamstrings and your glutes that's where all the power is at not up here in front Power is in the back I always like to say in front of the show muscles in the back of the go muscles come on Let's go those are the ones that are Gonna. Give you that? Knockout strength, it's it 10 more seconds almost there nice almost 5 4 3 2 1 0 nice [alright], let's pick up those dumbbells getting right back into the [shadowboxing] light on the feet one two one two I know, [we're] feet are getting heavy. Keep it moving though one two one two This is that part of the workout where it's really starts to count one [two] one two Real workout doesn't start until you want to quit one two one two So we're at right now mental check one two one two How you doing get your head in it stay focused one two three think about why you're here 1 2 3 kick? and just stay focused on it 1 2 3 high kick 1 2 [3] high kick boom again 1 2 3 high kick again 1 2 3 Head Kick Nice 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 Uppercut Uppercut 1 2 Uppercut uppercut again 1 2 Uppercut uppercut again 1 2 Uppercut uppercut 1 to Sprawl 1 to Sprawl 1 to throw one to Sprawl 1 2 3 4 One two one two one two one [two] Okay, Dumbbells down We're going double lunge or double leg take down two big lunch steps one reach pull in two hips through opposite leg first one two pull in One two pull in as you get better at it. You can go faster and shoot deeper Shoot shoot nice Shooting nice and deep boom boom pull in keep it up Keep it up hands are up reach pull in good keep it up Keep it up one two pull you got it. Don't slow down. Don't slow down. Come on. Keep it going keep it going last one three two one Nice dumbbells are up in our hands. Let's go one two one two one two three four Let's go 20 straight punches two three four five Almost there almost there Good hands are up one two three four one [two] three four nice one two three front kick and back one two three front kick five times go That's three two more One more last one come on Good one two one two one two one two One two three knee one two three knee nice one two three knee one two three knee one two three four switch knee one two three four switch knee One through three four switch knee one two three four switch knee once you want to good once you want to down Dumbbells [down] Get into a push-up position We're [gonna] [do] a staggered walking push-up so start from a push-up and one arm A foot arabs are a hand length and a half away from the other one push up walk. Come up push up Walk step up push up walk. Step up nice so climbing up against the wall nice one Into the next good walk back with the feet to hit a push-up on every step Good you got it you got [it] stick with it now read Almost there Good Let's go ten more seconds ten more seconds keep moving keep moving and five four three two One nice alright next moving into forward and back hops I'm gonna grab my jump rope But again totally not net and necessary. Just if you have [one] you want to kick it up a notch [we're] just hoping forward and back light on the balls of the [feet] let's hit it So I got the rope and I'm going forward and back forward and back Try not to get any heel contact on this one You're not using the rope try jumping forward and back Over a line on the ground or a rope or band or something. It helped you get for going forward and back good read [stay] Focus come on. Let's go Getting into that hard part now. It's you versus you, it's all mental It's all in your head those who think they can do it and those who think I can are both, right? Come on. Let's go. It's up to you. What do you think they're going come on almost there ten seconds? almost there five four three Two one ok rope is down Dumbbells are up hands are up. What do we got one two one two? one two three four Good one two three four kick two three four kick One two three switch kick one two three switch kick one two three four switch Kick one three four Switch, okay. Good one two one two when to duck again again again [nice] again one two three four one two three four knee Switch knee one two three four knee, huh one two three Dumbbells are down. We got a sprinter sit up starting down lying flat on your back Opposite knee comes up opposite arm. Comes up elbows are out of 90 back down up back down Use those arms opposite arm opposite knee bring that knee in Can't quite get all the way up. Just come up with your legs And leave your upper body out But I want you to push yourself Get as many of these in as you can in a lot of time period Remember you versus you What do you got all mental hundred percent mental because your mind is going to give up Way sooner than [your] body ever will you just gotta have that mind Convince your body to keep moving keep grinding keep getting up when you get knocked down keep moving past impossible obstacles and odds It's all you and your head What you choose to accept and what you choose to defy and overcome let's get it going right here right now Making the stance you [got] it. Come on root five more seconds. That's it you do is all dang day all day day [two-one-Zero], we're up on our feet grab those dumbbells and let's get moving breathe one two three four one two one two one two three four one two three four duck Nice one two three four duck One two three four duck duck two three four duck duck nice again one two three [food] duck duck good 20 knees go one Knee up nice and high toes pointed down. You know the drill. Let's go come on pull them India pull them into you eight Seven six five four three, two One Dumbbells are down We got a triple drop squad feet are shoulder-width apart Drop out down up now split down [up] Opposite in the hips every time drop that back knee but don't bounce off [of] it Come up, right as it touches or kisses the ground Nice or not those legs gonna get really good at takedown and takedown defense so quick combine with the power Combined with that stamina. Do not get tired when their legs are slowing down yours are just kicking it up Here's a just getting warmed up come on. So we got to think it's all mental. It's a mental game It is a mental game right here starts right [now] that proper preparation Come on. You got it you got it one into the next No, give up. No breaks just you Fighting past [it] but and pass that lactic acid nice good grabbing the dumbbells Back into it hands are up one two one two one two one two one two three four [hah] one two three four. [I] got to get it right one two three four there. It is one two three four switch knee Switch knee one two three kick Nice one two three kick one two three low kick high kick one two three low kick high kick let's go one two switch front kick one two switch front kick again ah again ah two more last one Hmm Dumbo's down we got bear plank position We're going [to] do a bear plane kick through so knees are bent at 90 we're going to kick through Hips up sit out and back kick through hips up sit out and back go and perform it like you would when it's over sit-ups or sit out style you like use as an escape from bottom position North-south position good kick out Hips up dry kick sit up hips up bridge good Nice. Come on. Keep it up back into that bear plank every time don't rest your knees in between reps One into the next one into the next [you] got it you got [it]. Come on. You got to go go go go go breathe Good let's go ten more seconds. That's it just ten seconds almost there five four three two one up scratch those dumbbells Hands are up and let's hit it one two one two Yeah one two three four one [two] three four [one] [two] [one] [two] Let's go punch out 20 seconds go three is many punches and as you can and [that's] a lot of time period Use that core Use your hips Get full range of motion nice nice Almost there almost there five four three Two one [Dumbbells] are down We got high plank or bare plank again We're playing step backs so bear plank position now step back Forward Back forward step back There it is every time coming back with those knees up [three] Want you to focus [you're] on top position Against the guy that's beating you at practice against your next opponent guess whatever Against whatever it is it's keeping you down Stay focused breathe Whatever you do. Do not give up You are a fighter Not a quitter [a] fighter not a quitter. You keep saying that to yourself Until you believe it till it's true Come on. Good one into the next you got [ten] seconds left on this that's it hold strong close strong five four three two one [rats] rook Grab those dumbbells you know what time it is shadow boxing time. Let's go one two three one two three Let's go one two three front kick one two three front kick good Go one two three front kick kick one two three front kick down in front kick again one two three one two three front kick down in front Kick Again hit it one two three front kick down in front boom let's go again. Now. Let's go one two Front kick one two front kick let's go one two three front kick one two three front kick nice again one two three front kick good Let's go one two [three] four switch front kick one two three four switch Front kick again one two three four switch front kick again one two three four switch Front kick one more hit it one two three four switch front Kick Dumbbells are down Getting into a crab position. We were here earlier Fingers are pointed back row up. We're going to go down with our hips reach across back down switch reach across bring those hips up Kind of like a oopah like we're hoisting somebody who's on top of us or somebody who's trying to get mouth? hips all the way down hips all the way up Drive off those heels and reach across Drive off the you reach drive reach good. Come on. Pick [it] up guys pick it up What are you saving it for? We don't have much left put it all out there no regrets the only pain worse than the one you're feeling right now is the pain of regret Let's go. No regrets all effort right here. Come on. Let's [go]. Let's go. Let's go push it out push it out Let's go ten more seconds. You're almost there almost there [and] [five] four three Two one [grab] those dumbbells up on our feet again Let's hit it [one] [two] [one] two [two] [one] [two]. I want you to go speed back speed bag [running] place speed bag running place good run in place hot hands rotating at those elbows and shoulders Come on burn them out switch opposite side now Opposite side you [got] it. You got it nice nice almost there five four three Two one let's go twenty knees hit it one two three Four five six seven don't stop pushing. It's all right here This is it. I want you to impress yourself today Surprise yourself Achieve more than you thought you were capable of achieving Come on surpass your own expectations [three] two one dumbbells are down. We don't have much left guys. We're going hard at the end though I gotta warn you to the ground We got ballistic push-ups eat it from your knees for from up top hit five push-ups one jump two three four Five take a couple [second] rest, and we're at it in three two one Five push-ups. Go one two three four Five we're up breathe and again go one two three For five, okay last five ready three two One big power go one two three four five, okay? We're up grab those dumbbells. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Go let's breathe Get it [one] [two] [one] [two] Once you want to hey one two three kick Nice one two three four switch kick Good one two one two one two three four switch kick [hi] One two three four switch kick. [hey] Hey one two three kick. Ha ha once you one two One two one two one two three four. Hey one two three four one two one two three four duck one two three four duck one two three four Doc One more one two three four duck Dumbbells are down last thing. This is it right here This is Gonna kill me fair warning give it everything you got we got any talks How bad do you want it ask yourself? How bad you want it right now? How bad do you want it? How bad do you want? Who's Gonna take it from you? Huh? Who's Gonna take it from you? Who can take it from you nobody? That's you [nobody] let's go come on one into the next One into the net get him up there get him up there nice south landings wait back in your hips What do you got come on show it to me [calm] prove it to yourself right here, mid power big power. Let's go Let's go. Let's go come let's go you got ten seconds. That's it Almost there almost there three two one ha oh [God] yeah, nice work everybody, huh, did you like this workout? That was a tough workout . Thank you so much for giving me the privilege to workout with you today. 


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