Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...
Hi, I'm your coach and I welcome kids of allages, and parents too. We're going to do a 30minute yoga practice, using some breathing,movements, and a power down. And I've got some helpershere with me today. I have Nova, and Christian. Let's get startedwith some breathing. This is a main part of yoga, that helps you startand end your day off. I like to call thisballoon breathing, and we're gonna imagine ourbellies are like a balloon. And placing our handsonto our bellies, our middle fingers aregoing to be touching over our belly button, and as we breathein through our nose, imagine that belly,like a balloon, slowlyfilling with air. And as you breathe outthrough your mouth, imagine your belly, like aballoon, slowly getting smaller. You ready, let's breathein with our nose, and breathe outwith your mouth, ah. Let's try that one more time. Breathe in with your nose, and breathe out, ah. We're gonna trythis two more times, but when we breathein with our nose, let's hold for threeseconds, are you ready? Let's see if you can fillup your belly with air. Breathing in, and holdit for three seconds, and breath out, ah. Let's try that one more time, breathe in, and hold it for three seconds, and breathe out, ah. Rub your palms together,warming up your hands, and place your warm handsover top of your eyes, breathing in and out. And rub your palms again,warming up those hands, and this time placingthose warm hands over top of your heart centre, and breathing in and out, feeling our bodies warming and giving youenergy for your day. We're gonna openour practice today, by touching ourfingertips together, and touching our palms together, kind of creating a space,representing our heart, and let's place thatonto our heart centre, and we can bowdown to our hearts to open our practice today, and we're gonna say,my heart to your heart. Can you guys say that? My Heart to Your Heart. Great, and let's slowlyopen up our hearts, and share it with the world. Do you feel energized and calm? Do you guys feelenergized and calm? How about you at home? The more you breathethrough your day, the more calm andenergized you stay. We're ready to start our day. It's time to warm up our bodies, so we're gonna sit in acomfortable seated position, crossing our legs, and ourspines are nice and tall. There we go, hands on our knees, and we're gonna paintcircles with our spine. Let's start paintingcircles with that spine, to warm up our backs, giving our spine a nice stretch. Nice big circles. You might be lowerdown to the floor, or you might just stayup here, and that's okay. And let's go the other way, nice big circles we'repainting with our spine. Oh that feels so nice. All right, comingback to center, hands to the side, on the floor, and painting rainbowswith our hands, one hand doing a side bend, the other hand doinganother side bend. Wow look at those bigarches and your rainbows. Nova, what colours are inin your rainbow? All the colours, whatabout you Christian? All the colours, andhow about you at home? What colours are youpainting in your rainbows? Wow, those are beautiful colours, beautiful bright rainbows,and coming back to centre, hands on our knees, nicestraight backs here. Imagine you're an owl, and looking over one shoulder, and looking overthe other shoulder. What sound does an owl make? Hoo! Hoo! Giving our necks a nice stretch, good job Christian and Nova, giving your neck a nice stretch, looking over one shoulder, and then the other shoulder. All right, comingback to center, and let's stretchthose legs out, and shake everything else,giving everything a shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. And we're gonnawarm up our bodies. Start wiggling your toes. Wiggle those toes,wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. And moving ourankles in circles, giving it a nice,gentle stretch, and go the other way. All right, makingcircles with our ankles. And let's bop thoseknees, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop,bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. And twinkling fingers, let'ssee those twinkling fingers, nice twinkling fingers, and bending those elbows. Get a nice bend,and a nice stretch in our arms here,bending those elbows. Good job, guys. And rolling our shoulders, give those shoulders nice rolls. And let's go the otherway, rolling them. That feels great. Warming up our shoulders, and blinking our eyes, blink, blink, blink, blink,blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink. And fluttering those lips. Wow, that tickles. All right, breathingwith our shoulders here, so as we breathe in we'regonna lift those shoulders up to our ears, breathing in. Lift, and breathe out,dropping those shoulders. Breathe in, lift, and breathe out. And that's a great wayto warm up your body. Once your bodiesare all warmed up, it's time to dosome fun yoga poses. You can bring yourparents along too. Let's play. Let's start on ourhands and our knees, putting your handsunderneath your shoulders, palms are flat on the floor, and your fingers arespread wide apart, toes touching the floor here. Imagine you're a cat, and as you breathein through your nose, we're going to press our bellybuttons towards the floor, lifting our headand our chest up, and our eyes are looking up, and we're happy cats. What sound does a cat make? Meow. And breathing out, archyour back, looking down at your toes, arching that back, and angry cats, and breathe in, push that bellybuttonto the floor, and lift your head and youreyes, and happy cats, meow. And breathe out, arch that back. And looking down withyour head and your eyes, back at your toes, angry cat. One more time, let's breathe in, looking up with yourhead and your chest, push that bellybuttonto the floor, and meow. And breathe out, arch that back, and looking down andback at your toes. This time I want you tosit back onto your heels, where you're resting, andhands can be in front, or on your side, your headis resting on the floor here, and I want you to stayhere for five breaths. Imagine you're a rock. On your next inhale walkyour hands to the front, and palms are flat,fingers spread apart here. Take a big inhale here, and exhale, lift yourbottom up into the air, nice strong arms, niceand straight strong arms, and we're downward facing dog. Breathe in, lowerdown, lower down, and upward facing dog. That's it, and breathe out, and downward facing dog, lift that bottom up intothe air, there we go. And, breathe in, upward facing dog. Nice strong arms, breathe out, lift that bottomup into the air. Let's walk your dog here, so bending one knee,then the other knee. There we go, walking that dog. All right, and nowwagging your tail here, wag those tails, ohthose are happy dogs. I can see all those happy dogsat home wagging their tails. Wag, wag, wag, wag. And walk your handsto your feet here. And I want you tostay down here. We're gonna be anelephant trunk, and just imagine we'reloose, get everything loose. I want you to benddown Christian. Everyone at home, we'rejust letting everything go. We can flutter our lips here. Nice and low,sweeping the floor. Sweep the floor with yourhands, we're really loose, letting everything go. That's it, moving yourhips and your arms, and tickle those fingersup your body, very slowly, tickle thosefingers, up, up, up. And your head isthe last to come up, very slowly, taking abreath in and out here. Relax your hands,and mountain pose. And just focus on your breathinghere for a few seconds. Be still like a mountain. Let me see your stillmountain Christian. Hands to your sides, and justfocus on your breathing here. What do we see? And what do we hear? We're at the top of a mountain. Let's see thosebig arms stretch. A sunrise, a sunrise, nice big armslooking up at the sun, and sun set, and droppingthose arms, bending your knees, very slowly sweepyour arms down. Sun rise again, let'ssee that big sun, nice stretch of the arms,looking up at that sun, and sun sets, and back down. Let's tickle ourfingers up our bodies, and the sun has set. It's dark outside. Let's see those twinklingstars in the sky. Twinkle those fingers,twinkle stars. And let's try toreach for the stars. Let's grow taller and getonto our tippy toes here, and reach for thosestars, twinkle twinkle, twinkle those stars, and coming backdown onto your feet, if you were on your tippy toes. Imagine we're a star,let's stretch out our legs, and our arms, andlet's see those stars, nice big bright starswith strong legs, and strong arms, nice andstraight, there you go. Let's see those stars, wow,those are beautiful stars, shooting stars, I'veseen a shooting star. Let's do our shooting stars. Let's see those shooting stars. And one more time, ohgreat, that's fantastic, nice shooting stars. And now it's time for usto get into a rocket ship, so we're going to getinto our rocket ships, we're going to put our feettogether, just like this, and let's see those hands,those palms touching, interlace those fingers. Keep those indexfingers pointing up, and let's see the rocketsgetting built here. Stretch those armsup nice and straight, up into the air, over your head. There you go, rocket ship, and three, two, one, blast off. Let's try that again, three, two, one, blast off. Oh awesome, coming outof our rocket ships, into the forest. Imagine we're a tree. This requires some balancing. So, just to help us balance,we can use our fists. Put it between your feet, and that will giveyou how much space you want to be standing, okay? Let's start withlifting one of our feet, where our heel is gonnatouch the other ankle, and your toes are justresting on the floor. Now, some of us can stay here, or you can bring your footup just a little bit higher, where it's just below yourknee, and touching your calf. So you can stayhere, or down here. You can find your own balance. Using our arms as branches, we can put our branches up here, here, or here. So let's find your balance, so breathing in, and find your balance. Beautiful trees. Now let's try the other foot,let's put that foot down, let's try the other foot now. And put your heelonto your ankle, where your toesare resting there. Or again, you canbring it up here, wherever your balance is Important. And let's do those branches, where are you gonnaput those branches? This time I'm gonna keep mineup here, and we're trees. Let's breathe in, and out. Beautiful trees. All right, and let'scome out of our trees, and let's see thatwarm sun come up again, looking up at that sun, and the sun set. This time I want you toget onto your bellies, and we're gonna comeon to our bellies. Stack your hands, and just restyour forehead or your cheek, and just stay here forabout five breaths. So just like this,you can just put your cheek or your foreheadonto your hands. Imagine you're a cobra,let's set up for a cobra. Hands are gonna beunder your shoulders, palms are flat on the floor,fingers spread wide apart, elbows are tucked in niceand close to your body, and toes touchingthe floor here. Are you ready? Let's breathe in and liftyour head and your chest, we're cobras. What sound does a cobra make? Ssssss. And breathe out, lower downto the floor, nice and slow. Breathe in lifting, cobra, ssssssss. And breathe out, lower down, and coming onto seated, onto our bottoms here. Imagine we're butterflies, so let's pressour feet together, and let's see thosebutterfly wings. Keep your feet together, let'ssee those butterfly wings. And our butterfliesare flying away. ♪ Fly away, butterfly ♪ Fly away, butterfly Where did that butterfly go? Let's cross our legs. We'll take one hand, putit on the opposite knee, and then use the other hand, we're gonna lookover our shoulder, where did that butterfly go? We can say, bye bye butterfly. Doing a nice twist,let's look the other way. All right, looking the otherway for that butterfly, bye bye butterfly. And coming back to center here, and lowering downonto our backs, getting ready for our bridge. Just lay on your backshere, bending your knees. Your palms areflat on the floor, that's gonna help you lift up, and when we breathein, we're gonna imagine we're building a bridge here, so breathing in,lift your bottom up, so push your seat andyour heads into the floor, and lift your bottom, andbreathe out, lower down. Really use your feetand your hands here to lift yourself up. Breathe in, lift, nice high bridges, and breatheout, dropping that bridge, nice bridges, all right. And let's breathe in,this time we're gonna hold our bridge up nice and high, so the big boats canget underneath of us. And let's breathein lift that bridge. All right, nice and high,and hold it for five seconds. The boats arecrossing underneath, you're pressing your feet andyour hands into the floor, and exhale, breathing out, lowering that bridge down. And coming in tosqueeze our knees here, and giving ourselvesa nice little squeeze. And we're gonna do abit of a roll here, I call it the rock and roll. And we're gonna rock and roll, and just thanking our bodies, and giving our backs areally nice stretch here, and coming on to our seats, sitting on our bottoms, crossing our legs. Give yourself a nice hug here. Give yourselves anice thank you hug, and thank yourself andyour yoga practice today, your playful yoga practice, and did you have fun? Yeah? And how about you athome, did you have fun? Well we hope you enjoyedthe yoga practice, and were able tofollow along with us, and had some fun doing it. A great way to end your day,or after a yoga practice, is to power down. We're going to do afun breathing exercise, and a couple of stretches. So imagine you're a lion. We're gonna kneeldown onto the floor, and we're going to sitback onto our heels here, but we're gonna separateour knees a little bit. And you sit back ontoyour heels, that's it. Your big toes aretouching back there. Get your big toesto touch back there. Leaning forward but you'resitting on your heels. And hands are on the floor, fingers pointing towards yourbody, nice straight back. Lift your chest, and tiltyour head up, breathe in, sticking that tongue out,let out a fierce roar. One more time. Tilt that head up, breathein, and stick the tongue out. That's a great way torelease some energy. All right, and so nowwe're going to just stretch our legs out here. You can just giveeverything a wiggle. Wiggle it all out, and imagine we'reputting a baby to sleep. Bending one knee,grab onto your ankle and your knee with one hand, and let's rock thatbaby back and forth, cradling the baby to sleep. Nice gentle stretchin our legs here. The baby is fallingasleep, back and forth, cradling the baby, and let's put that one backdown and do the other side, and let's grab onto ourankle here and our knee, and cradling the otherside, back and forth, cradling that baby to sleep. That's it, that'sa nice little way to stretch out your legs. And putting that back down, and we're going toimagine we're a sandwich, a sitting sandwich, so breathing in, we'regonna lift our hands up, and breathe out, bend forward. Breathing in, stretchthose arms up, and breathe out, bend forward. And breath in, up,stretch those arms up, and breathe out, and thistime grab onto your feet, or your ankles or your calf, whatever you can hang onto, whatever you can hang onto, and just stay herefor a few seconds, and we're a sittingsandwich guys. What kind of sandwich are you? A cheese sandwich. What sandwich areyou making at home? This is a great way to stretchout your legs and your arms. All right, goodlittle bend here, we're gonna now slowlylower down to the floor, and get into our octopus, and imagine we're an octopus, so get your legs and yourarms up into the sky, and just float around in water, and just let everything go. Imagine you're bodyis an octopus here, floating in the water. Nice octopus. Wow. Look at everything,let go, be loose, and slowly lowering yourlegs and your arms down to your sides, and imagine you'remelting into the floor, like ice cream on a hot day. And this is time for our bodies to get into a relaxation. You can close your eyes here, relaxing your belly,relaxing your legs. And just imagine youryoga practice today, and all the breathing youdid, and the movements. Wiggling your toes, just start to wiggle those toes, and wiggle your fingers, and rolling your headfrom side to side, here. Slowly waking up your body, bringing your knees togive them a nice hug, and you can just rollside to side here, just a little bit with yourknees hugged into your body. And coming to one side,roll over to one side here, nice gentle roll, and you canlift yourself up into seated. And you can sit back,crossing your legs, and how do you feel? Your body feel calm, and relaxed? Great. We're gonna close ourpractice off today, by touching ourfingertips together, and our palms touching,creating that space, and going to our heartcenter, bowing down, thanking our bodies fortoday's playful yoga practice, ending off with, myheart to your heart, and slowly open up your hearts, and share it with the world. Did you guys have fun? And how about you at home? Did you have fun? We hope that you were ableto follow along with us, and had some fun doing it.
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