Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...
Before ( Day 1 ) After ( Day 20, - 5KG ) Hi everyone, Today I am going to share a very effective fat burning exercises HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) The best feature of HIIT is High Efficiency This 20-min HIIT I am sharing today It burn the same amount of fat as jogging for an hour Because it ( HIIT ) not only makes us have faster heart rate burning more fat while doing exercises But also increase our metabolic rate Thus fat burning continued for a long time after the end of the exercise It is the exercises which helped me looked like this After 20 days Turn to Like this I lost over 10 pounds So if you can insist on doing this HIIT every day Coupled with reasonable diet control Losing a pound every day is no longer a distant dream Let's start today's exercises Here are 12 actions total 45 seconds per action Then rest for 10 seconds Firstly, INCH WORM It can stretch and strengthen the whole body muscles It is also a good warm-up action Note that o...