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Showing posts from July, 2020

What we should eat to loose fat

 Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...

Fat burning ,Faster and effective

  Before ( Day 1 ) After ( Day 20,  - 5KG ) Hi everyone, Today I am going to share a very effective fat burning exercises HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) The best feature of HIIT is High Efficiency This 20-min HIIT I am sharing today It burn the same amount of fat as jogging for an hour Because it ( HIIT )  not only makes us have faster heart rate burning more fat while doing exercises But also increase our metabolic rate Thus fat burning continued for a long time after the end of the exercise It is the exercises which helped me looked like this After 20 days Turn to Like this I lost over 10 pounds So if you can insist on doing this HIIT every day Coupled with reasonable diet control Losing a pound every day is no longer a distant dream Let's start today's exercises Here are 12 actions total 45 seconds per action Then rest for 10 seconds Firstly, INCH WORM It can stretch and strengthen the whole body muscles It is also a good warm-up action Note that o...

weight loss , Simple tricks

  Hi everyone,I shared a beginner HIIT workout couple weeks ago A very entry-level HIIT exercises I have received many comments saying the workout really worked Some of you lost a few pounds in a short period of time Considering that you have been doing the beginner HIIT for a while and want to burn the whole body fat more effectively Today I will share an intense Full Body Fat-Burning HIIT Workout OK, let's start today's exercises Let’s do some Warm Up There will be some running and jumping today So I suggest you better wear shoes If you don't like running or jumping No worries I has included no jump low impact modifications for every exercise OK, let's do Arm Circles now Turn forward X 12 times Ok, go in the opposite direction This Warm Up can prepare our body for the coming exercises to avoid injuries It can also help us doing this workout better. Then Knee Rotations Six turns in one direction OK, repeat it in the opposite direction This exerc...

Muscle gain for beginners

Muscle gaining for beginners   Hello friends welcome to It has been observed that people start going to the gym with a dream... of having a good body but 90% of them struggle to gain weight or or they totally fail and the reason for this is that they focus only on workout and forgets about diet. Muscle training is important for Quality muscle gain but most important is the role of the diet. In this blog we will talk about diet tips for muscle growth. When we talk about Muscle Growth then the the first important aspect is lots of Calories or energy which mainly we get from 3 macro nutrients Carbs, Proteins and fats. It is important to learn the consumption quantity of micro nutrients according to your weight.“How to calculate macro nutrients for muscle gain” and calculate your macronutrients requirement yourself according to your weight. Protein is must for Muscle repair and Growth We get Protein from both Veg and Non - veg dono sources. To know about the ...

Training your body at home: know your body type

  I gotta a kind of a personal question foryou? Um, Are you an ectomorph? Or an endomorph? Or, perhaps, you’re a lucky mesomorph? Nah, I’m not implying you’re an spacealien or something! It’s just that every single person has aspecific body type, and knowing yours can be of great help if you want to build thebody of your dreams. Adjust your workout to your body type, andyou’ll achieve the best results! Let’s start with exploring the body typesfirst. There are three of them, as proposed by Dr.William Sheldon, an American psychologist, back in the 1940s. Let’s see if you recognize yourself in oneof them! First, there’s ectomorph. People with this body type are slim, usuallytall and with longer limbs. Look at Usain Bolt if you want a good example. They are those lucky types who can eat whateverthey want and never get love handles or too much of a bottom. On the flipside, ectomorphs also have difficultygaining muscle mass, so however hard they work out, they stay lean and c...

lose weight ,Becoming slim

 How to lose weight in a week A ten minute fat-burning workout that actually works. These exercises are included in many intense training programs that take no more than ten minutes. You can get in shape in a very short time, and all you need to do is get the technique right. Even the busiest people can find time for this simple set of seven exercises. You can perform all of them while watching the video! Give it a try. It's an easy and fun workout. Before beginning your training, do a warm-up. Warm up properly to avoid getting injured during the exercises. While warming up you can do some squats. For a start, do five. one two three four five Great. Also, try some arm and leg swings. Body rotations and bends. And neck and knee warm-ups. Now you're ready for our fat burning workout. Let's begin. Exercise number one - sumo jump squats. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit. Now, squat until your knees are bent at a right angle....

Fat burning exercise

  Exercises to lose belly fat A ten minute fat-burning workout that actually works. These exercises are included in many intense training programs that take no more than ten minutes. You can get in shape in a very short time, and all you need to do is get the technique right. Even the busiest people can find time for this simple set of seven exercises. It's an easy and fun workout. Before beginning your training, do a warm-up. Warm up properly to avoid getting injured during the exercises. While warming up you can do some squats. For a start, do five. one two three four five Great. Also, try some arm and leg swings. Body rotations and bends. And neck and knee warm-ups. Now you're ready for our fat burning workout. Let's begin. Exercise number one - sumo jump squats. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit. Now, squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Strain your buttocks, jump straight up, and land softly. You should ...

Fitness for beginners

 Workout for beginners at home Today I'll be bringing you guys another beginner's workout and this time will be 15 minutes with no jumping. This workout is perfect for you if you're just starting a fitness journey, and I remember back then when I started exercising I didn't like what guys wear there were a lot of movements that were too difficult and I didn't even know if I was doing them right, so don't worry. All these movements in this workout are beginner friendly and there's also no jumping so less risk of injuries and you can focus more on just getting the movement right. Also if you live with someone else or you live in an apartment, and you don't want to disturb your neighbours So this is also the perfect quiet cardio for you.  Exercise for beginners to lose weight at home My biggest tips for someone who is new to fitness is to start with small steps. So, 15 minutes a day is good enough. You just need to start feeding the habit of bei...


Bodybuilding tips So you want to be more big muscle? Well, Push-ups are quick, easy, and they can help you build the muscle mass you've always dreamed about. All you have to do is pay attention to a couple of simple, but key factors... #1: Doing push-ups correctly No matter how many push-ups you do a day,if you perform them wrong, your body won't change one bit! The most important thing here is the formyour body makes – your lower back should be perfectly straight, your feet have to beno more than shoulder width apart, and your elbows should make a 20 to 40-degree anglefrom your belly. To get the most out of a push-up, lower yourbody all the way to the floor and touch it with your chest. Just don't forget to breathe in as you loweryour body down, and breathe out as you go back up. Bodybuilding tips at home  #2: Rep range Usually, the best range for building a prominentmuscle mass is 6-12 reps. However, there are some details that you shouldtake into ...

Height increase exercise

  Exercises to increase height after 20 How to grow height naturally. This method stretches the hard and stiff muscles in the body to promote growth. There are five positions that you're going to hold for 10 seconds each.We're going to be talking about something that matters to everyone whether you're old or young, whether you're into beauty or not into beauty and that is how to grow your height naturally. While height comes from our genetics, over 70% of our height actually comes from our everyday habits, such as what can eat and whether or not you're exercising. So today we've prepared some stretches that you can do to grow taller and to improve your posture. So make sure you stand till the end so you can grow a couple more inches. So how to grow height naturally. We prepared some tips that you can do so that you can grow your height naturally.  Exercise to increase height in 1 month Number one, food. Everyone knows that you are what yo...

Weight loss tips at home

Weight loss exercises A ten minute fat-burning workout that actually works. These exercises are included in many intense training programs that take no more than ten minutes. You can get in shape in a very short time, and all you need to do is get the technique right. Even the busiest people can find time for this simple set of seven exercises. You can perform all of them while watching the video! Give it a try. It's an easy and fun workout. Before beginning your training, do a warm-up. Warm up properly to avoid getting injured during the exercises. While warming up you can do some squats. For a start, do five. one two three four five Great. Also, try some arm and leg swings. Body rotations and bends. And neck and knee warm-ups.  Exercise to lose belly fat \Now you're ready for our fat burning workout. Let's begin. Exercise number one - sumo jump squats. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit. Now, squat until your...

Richest Temple : top 10 richest temple of india

 There are thousands of temples in India and thousands of devotees come to offer prayers and offer them daily in this video, we have told you about the most common Hindu temple in India So let's know which are the ten richest Hindu temples in India…. Padmanabha   Swamy Temple 1- Padmanabha Swamy Temple  comes first in number Padmanabha Swamy Temple is the richest temple in India . It is situated amidst the city of Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) This temple is looked after by the former royal family of Travancore This temple is very ancient and built in the Dravidian style The temple has a total assets of one lakh crores In the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, there is a huge statue of Lord Vishnu, which is visited by thousands of devotees from far and wide In this statue, Lord Vishnu sits in a sleeping posture on Sheshnag.  Tirupati Balaji's temple  2-Tirupati Balaji's temple comes in second place in Andhra Pradesh The temple of Tirupati Balaji is located ...

GOLDEN TEMPLE :Padmanabhaswamy temple Mysterious temple

Padmanabhaswamy temple    Welcome friends ,Today we are looking at Padmanabhaswamy temple golden temple and mysterious vault b temple.    Thiruvananthapuram City  Sree Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple in Thiruvananthapuram City, the capital City of Kerala State in India is an old temple is an old temple This temple is one of the most important Vaishnava temples (Lord Vishnu Temples) Temples where the main deity is lord Vishnu or (his incarnations) or (his different forms) in India Among the Vaishnava temples 108 temples known as 108 Divya Desams (sthalams - holiest abodes)   are most sacred. Sree Anantha Padmanabha Swamy temple is one of the 108.   Even though the temple has references in epics and puranas,the original date of construction of the temple is believed to be in first day of Kali Yuga about 5000 years back. The determination of when and why by whom the original idol of Sree Padmanabha was constructed is still unknown No...

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