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Showing posts from August, 2020

What we should eat to loose fat

 Hey guys,Today's version is very different. It's a realistic version of what I eat in a day. They are a little bit prettier. I put a little bit more of love, heart .So, yeah. They took a little bit longer than like what I normally do on a daily basis. And seriously I don't make my food look pretty all the time. If I want to, you know, present it to someone I will but I don't do that every day because I kind of eat by myself everyday, so. But yeah, Today's version is gonna be really simple, really easy to make, everything's going to be under 15 minutes. I have all the recipes in my head right now because I want to make it really easy for you guys as well. There's no excuses to not eat at home, especially when it takes less than 15 minutes. It is more cost-effective, you know what you're eating, and also you can hit your macronutrients or micronutrients, you know all of those stuff And also, it's better for losing weight if you want to lose weight or ...

Correct way to do exercise at GYM. Home Workout

 Hey what's up everyone , today you're joining me here ,you know over the years I got a lot of questions about musclegroups exercises workouts so  I'm going to break down ten exercises andreally highlight a particular technique how to optimize them also being trainedand really correct your form to maximize its use and purpose ten exercises let'sjump right in with exercise number one this is all about the shoulders it's adumbbell lateral raise ideal for hitting that middle deltoid you know theshoulders are comprised of three main deltoid heads and the middle one isreally targeted during the dumbbell lateral raise but the one thing that Ifound is especially for beginners and even for people a little bit moreadvanced where they tend to let their technique slip over time is they performit like this the hands come up might look like they're training theirshoulders but watch what happens when I change one particular thing now my focushere isn't on wher...

Make your core perfect. Home Workout

Hey everyone, welcome to Fitness WorkKar. Today we have a homepractice that's gonna tone the core and the booty. So this is a big request,having a little fun with it. Let's have some fun. Hop into somethingcomfy and let's get started.All right my friends. Today we're gonna start standing in themiddle of your mat. Bring your feetas wide as the mat, just two parallel lines here. Then we're gonna bring the hands and we're gonnabring them together and we're justgonna start rubbing them to create alittle bit of energy, a little bit of heat, a little bit of friction, just something toreally focus our mind here as you begin to letgo of the day thus far. Politely put theto-do lists away, the future on hold, and arrive herenow in the present. Rub 'em a little faster,lift your heart, breath. Big inhale in and then exhale, just bring your hands rightto your chest, your pectorals, and lift your heartup towards your hands and sink a littleweight into your...

Workout for Swimmers. Workout that gonna make you perfect for swimming

We are back in it for a 25-minute full-body EMOM. If you don't remember, EMOMis Every Minute On the Minute. Ideally, this entire round of workouts that I'm gonna give you is gonna take you less than a minute. And then you have theremainder of the minute to rest, pick your nose, drink some water, pet your dog, okay? So we're gonna start witha nice five-minute warmup. And it's gonna kick off with,pew, pew, pew, air squats. Every warmup. Ready? Let's go. 30 seconds of air squats. Deep breaths, keeping your chest open, filling those lungs with air, pushing up through the glutes. The weight is even through your feet, legs are just a littlewider than hip width. I need to warm up my mouth, apparently. Keep it going. And then we're gonna drop it into hi-low, big high step, and then go underneath, cause you are the limbo champion. Big high step, and get underneath. Or like bob and weave,as like boxing class. Cardio kickboxing. Actually, where I got started in...

Exercise for fitness at home without going outside.

Hello and welcome I am your coach and Today we're going to do a 30-minute fatburning full-body indoor walking workout it's suitable for beginners but perfectfor everybody it's fast paced but very very doable you're going to be able tokeep up and it's not big on choreography so you don't lose your place okay it's30 seconds on of fast walking and 30 seconds of fast movement and this is 30minutes of full-on exercise which is going to be great for your body to keepit in shape while you're at home particularly if you're spending timelying on the couch okay which is fine but make sure that you do a little bitof work and a little bit of exercise and a little bit of play while you're inquarantine so that you can stay sane okay you're going to love this let's getstarted start by gentle marching and deep breathing so arms above your headand down breathe in and out this is going to be so much funI know it's thirty minutes but I promi...

Fitness Workout. Mixed Martial Arts Workout.

 Hey, everyone. It's your personal trainer coach and today 40 Min MMA Workout Routine MMA Training Exercises UFC Workout BJJ MMA Workouts Mixed Martial Arts We're going to do an mMA workout Now even if you're not getting ready to step into the cage or step foot on the mat This is still a great total body workout. We're going to combine Shadowboxing moves with a bunch of [bodyweight] power and strength moves that are sure to get your heart rate up and get you moving I'm going to do the whole [thing] with you today and this is by no means a beginner workout really an intermediate to an advanced session today with not a lot of Modifications, just fair warning [now] I'm going to be using just a couple of light to pound dumbbells today for some extra resistance in my [shadowboxing] feel free to do so if you'd like to otherwise leave it out. No big deal the only other equipment needed for today I'm going to use [a] jump rope at the beginning just f...

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